RSS and SourceSafe – updated

The original code I had posted to generate RSS feeds from a VSS database has expired; I just put up a new version that will work through the end of October, and fixed a couple of bugs at the same time.

This is an awesome tool (IMHO) – check it out! :-)

Refer to the original post for instructions.

Download here: msi | zip

25 thoughts on “RSS and SourceSafe – updated

  1. K. Carter

    Greg, what is the possibility of connecting to SourceGear Vault since I believe it is API compatible? Is NewsGator compatible with any program that uses the VSS API ?

  2. Greg Reinacker

    Hmm…I don’t think it would work as-is with Sourcegear Vault, as we use the VSS COM objects to scan for changes.

    However, it probably wouldn’t be too hard to build the same thing for Vault…

  3. Scott

    Hi, I tried to install the service and when it asks to “Set Service Login” I get either “The account name is invalid or does not exist” or “No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.”

    Can you suggest what I might try? Thanks, SCott

  4. Scott

    Yep, windows account names, not VSS accounts. However, here’s more. I just tried it on a second computer at a different location, and I get exactly the same thing. It seems to be having trouble reading/setting the service security options on Windows 2000. I’ve installed the .net redistributables on both machines and they have all the latest services packs but do NOT have .net studio installed.

    I’d be happy to help diagnos this real time if you like, as I’d really like to try the RSS feature. If you’re interested, email me and I’ll send you my screenname and we can VNC or something. Thanks, Scott

  5. Leigh Kendall


    My install hung about at 80% of the way through.

    I hate to admit, but I was in such a rush to install, I did not shut down any apps, including VS.NET 2002 & 2003. Would this affect it?

  6. Joe

    I would also like to find out what the solution to scotts problem was. I have the same issue with a client, they enter a user name and password and it give them “No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.” and yes the account is in the admin group of the computer in question.

  7. Jake

    This happens when you rename the local admin account to something other than the standard “Administrator”.

    Rename it back to that close Computer Manager and reopen it. This problem will be gone.

    I’m just trying to figure out how to make it work with the renamed account… If I rem I’ll be back to let you know.

  8. Matt

    I was having a similar problem. I simply added the name of my computer in front of the username and I was able to install the application, i.e. “NEC/Administrator”, where NEC is the name of my PC. Anyway, here’s the info I found:

    If the user has a network account, in the Username field, make sure you type the domain name and the username using the format \. If the user has a local account, in the Username field, make sure you type the computer name and the username using the format \.

  9. Scott

    Hey Matt, thanks this fixed my install problem too. I had tried installing on several machines but could never get pass the password. You definetly must enter DOMAIN\USERNAME to get past the dialog during install.

    — Scott

  10. Amrita bhatia


    i have logged in as a local machine admin and changed the setting in IIS also but still cant start the service,it says account name i invalid or password is not set ,also when i try to browe the sharepoint it say service unavailable

  11. Gunther








    – It installed without any problems

    – I started the service, no problems

    – I can access the Y: drive, I see the ini-file at exactly the same place

    – user & pasword are OK

    – project exists

    – C:\temp exists

    there’s quite a lot of activity on our VSS database

    but nothing happens

    somehting wrong, something I should check?




  12. Troy

    Hi all – I was pleased to find an RSS version of alerts for VSS, but I, too, have run into a bit of a bump. From Event Viewer:

    Exception occurred generating RSS.

    VSS Database: d:\srcsafe\srcsafe.ini

    VSS Project: $/DCS


    COM object with CLSID {783CD4E4-9D54-11CF-B8EE-00608CC9A71F} is either not valid or not registered.

    at VssRssSvc.GenRss.BuildRss(String srcSafeIniPath, String vssUser, String vssPass, String projectName, String outputPath, Int32 maxItems, Boolean recursive)

    Can anyone see an obvious reason for this? Or, alternately, is there some sort of log location or debug flag I can trip to get some more information?

    And just FYI, this is what the config.xml file for RSS Generator looks like:









  13. Troy

    Ok, for those of you who run into the problem above, the problem was apparently that the SrcSafe API had not been registered on the system – so I had to go in and register the SSAPI.dll before anything would work.

    Now, however, I’m getting the following – is my configuration messed up, or do I not have the right privaleges somewhere?

    Exception occurred generating RSS.

    VSS Database: d:\srcsafe\srcsafe.ini

    VSS Project: $/DCS


    QueryInterface for interface SourceSafeTypeLib.IVSSDatabase failed.

    at SourceSafeTypeLib.VSSDatabaseClass.Open(String SrcSafeIni, String Username, String Password)

    at VssRssSvc.GenRss.BuildRss(String srcSafeIniPath, String vssUser, String vssPass, String projectName, String outputPath, Int32 maxItems, Boolean recursive)


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