A little experimentation in the afternoon, to kick off my Project 365 project for 2010!
Project 365 for 2010
Inspired by this Photojojo post, I’ve decided to give the whole Project 365 thing a shot. Basically, I’ll be taking one photo every day in 2010 and uploading it here.
My motivation behind this is to get out and take more pictures, just for fun. Most of the photos I take today are related to my fashion photography work in some way, and I find I don’t really get out and shoot most days. So this will help me do that…along with a couple of friends that I’ve pressured into doing this with me. If peer pressure can’t keep us going, I don’t know what will!
I’ve got no particular theme in mind. Perhaps I’ll narrow things down eventually, but for now anything is fair game…especially things that I’m not typically shooting. I’m also not going to limit what equipment I use – photos here will be taken with anything from an iPhone to a Nikon D3x, with a few cameras in between (yes, I’ve got too many cameras – lol!).
So…wish me luck! 365 days to go. 🙂