New Challenges

Catching up on news from the last couple of weeks, I found this from Justin:

How do you challenge yourself?

That is a question that I’ve been asking people lately. It is an open ended question because I like to see what people say. [News from the Forest]

Ok, I know I just said a few minutes ago that I was going to get back to tech-talk, but I wanted to post something related to this first.  When I started racing, I found it to be an amazing experience.  Richard Shelquist managed to put it into words, better than I could:

“Sports car racing has taught me a couple of very important lessons that apply not only to racing, but to other aspects of life as well:

First,  you must participate totally, not as an observer chatting with yourself and analyzing your performance, but participating with focus and concentration solely on the task at hand, literally becoming one with the activity and completely forgetting about yourself. 

Second, you must push yourself beyond comfort, into the region of challenge, staying within your limits of competent performance, but pushing the envelope as far as it will go, as far beyond comfort as you can withstand without recklessness.

If there is something that you want to do better, then work diligently with those two ideas and you will be rewarded.”

Well said, Richard.

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