Mark Pilgrim announced the Atom 0.2 snapshot yesterday…and, coincidentally, NewsGator 1.3 (also announced yesterday) supports Atom 0.2 feeds. A couple of notes about NewsGator’s current level of support:
- Multipart/alternative content is supported, although multiple independent content items will not both be shown. To clarify:
If you have multiple renderings of a single content item, using multipart/alternative, you will see one of them.
If you have multiple independent content items, you will only see one of them. When the spec solidifies, NewsGator will add support for multiple independent content items.
- The xml:base support that didn’t make it into the 0.2 snapshot is implemented anyway in NewsGator – because it’s the right thing to do. See Simon Fell’s feed for a good example of how this should look.
Note that the way relative links are handled in NewsGator is slightly different between RSS and Atom feeds, in the absense of a xml:base element.
- MIME types and encoding specifications for titles is supported in NewsGator 1.3, although this too didn’t make it into the 0.2 snapshot.